
You won't hear me arguing against the fact that Alex Ovechkin is a great hockey player, who has exceptional offensive skills and brings a physical edge. But if you're in the "Alexander can do no wrong" camp with Daniel Alfredsson, take a look at this and see if that changes your opinion.

Basically, Ovechkin has been disobeying the coaches, taking shifts that are too long and not covering up defensively, so they gave him some time on the pine to think about it. That's a ballsy move, taking a firm hand with a young star with so much self-confidence; it's also smart, trying to rein him in early. Hopefully it works, and he remains professional about it. The lesson might lose a little bit of its power when it's given by a cellar-dwelling team who ended up losing the game, but it's a lesson Ovechkin needs to learn all the same.

1 comment:

mike said...

Right on.